Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Gauls: Social Status and wealth

Social Structure:

Status level -2: Outsiders (Gl namhaid) have no place in any tribe and therefore no kin to protect them. They can be killed without fear of reprisal. An outsider might be a foreigner living in Celtic territory or a Celt who has been rejected by his clan for some crime, allowing their war-chief to die in battle or being on the losing side of a power struggle. This is a -10 point disadvantage.
Status level -1: Thralls (Gl sclabhai)are slaves. They have no freedoms and must work for another, however their owner will protect them from harm and a penalty must be paid if they are killed. This is a -5 point disadvantage.
Status level 0: Tribesmen (Gl duime) are the balk of the Celtic population.
Status level 1: Druids (Gl draoithe, Ln druides) are the priests and priestess of Gallic society. They are specialists in natural world, law and moral order. They act as judges, mediators and ritualists. They officiate sacrifices (including, so it's said, human sacrifices). It is believed by many that they have magical powers. This class and this class only gets the following advantages at half price: animal empathy, beast-kin, plant empathy, tree-kin. This class has several sever restrictions, which if broken will lower the character to status level -2. This is a 5 point advantage.
Status level 1: Bards (Gl file) are knowledge specialists. Bards study poetry and lore, though have a broader area of expertise than is indicated by these restrictive categories. They train their memories from a young age and most have eidetic memory (this class and this class only can buy eidetic memory at half price). They are encyclopedias, libraries, propagandists, advocates and entertainers. This is a 5 point advantage.
Status level 2: Lord (Gl tiarna)are the ruling class among Celts. They look after the welfare of their people and maintain order and defense. Each lord is the leader of a community of between 300 and 700 free adult Gauls and can field an army of male warriors equal to 20% of the community (60 to 140 warriors). The lord also has 4 above average warriors as a personal body guard. This is a 10 point advantage.
Status level 3: Chieftain (Gl taoiseach)are lords who lead a community of between 600 and 1100 free Gauls, fielding an army of 20% of this total (120-220 warriors). In addition each chieftain commands the loyalty of between 4 and 8 lords. A chieftains bodyguard is made up of 5-15 fine warriors. This is a 15 point advantage.
Status level 4: King (Gl ri, Ln rix)are really just very powerful chieftains. A king leads a community of between 1000 and 1800 free Gauls, an army of 20% of this total (200-360 warriors), the loyalty of 5-10 chieftains and a bodyguard of between 20 and 40 excellent warriors. Thus the least powerful theoretical king can field an army of 2151 warriors and the most powerful can field an army of 4481 warriors (for comparison a typical Roman legion of this period is 5120 men). This is a 20 point advantage.
(Status level 5: High king usually there is no high king, but occasionally due to circumstances or unusual talent one King will gain the allegiance of 4 or more kings and becomes a high king. The high king leads a community of 2000-4000 free Gauls with 400-800 warriors and a body guard of 60-100 outstanding warriors. Vercingetorix is an example of a high King, so would Boudica and King Artur, though, being Britons, they are not technically Gauls. This is unavailable as an advantage)

Wealth among Gauls is different than among Romans. Firstly there is just less of it, Romans were rich, Gauls were poor. Secondly, Gauls did not use coins as much as Romans did, most wealth was in goods or livestock that could be bartered. Thirdly, Gauls favored movable wealth to property or land. Finally, Gauls did not have banks, they carried their wealth with them, often resulting in huge booty trains when on campaigns.
Wealth level -3 Dead broke characters have almost nothing. They have 1 outfit of ragged clothing, boots and a knife. They live as a servant in someone's home or sleep in a hollow log. Points:-25
Wealth level -2 Poor characters have 2 plain outfits, a knife, boots and other goods to a value of 5d (example: a spear, a small shield and 1 copper ring). Points:-15
Wealth level -1 Struggling have the same goods as level -2 plus a winter cloak and other goods equalling a value of 12d (example:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Physical and pecuniary properties of metals

Gold (Ln. Aurum) is a yellow pecious metal. It has the highest monitary value of any available metal in the game world and high symbolic value as well. It is also very heavy, with a density of 11.18 oz. per inch cubed. In game terms 1 oz of gold is worth $1250, so a cubic inch of gold is worth $13,969. Gold bricks used as props in movies are about 6"x3"x2" would weigh about 25 lbs and cost $502,885. Pure gold never tarnishes and is extreamly ductile. Of course gold doesn't have to be pure. For impure gold calculate the carat of the gold by the following formula CARAT=24(Mg/Mm) where Mg is the mass of the gold and Mm is the mass of the metal (gold + impurities). Roman coins are 24 carat (pure gold), 18 carat gold is 75% pure and 12 carat gold is 50% pure. Assume the impurity is copper for denisty calculations unless otherwise stated.

Electrum is a naturally occuring alloy of gold and silver. For game purposes it is a 50/50 mix of gold and silver with a denisty of 8.621 oz per cubic inch and worth $650 an oz.

Silver (Ln argentum) is a white precious metal. It is less dense, less valuble and less symbolic than gold. It has a denisty of 6.068 oz per cubic inch and is worth $50 an oz. So a "brick" of silver would weigh 13.7 lbs and cost $683. It tarnishes black.

Copper (Ln cuprum) is a reddish, yellow ductile metal. It has a density of 5.165 oz per cubic inch and is worth $5.5 per oz. So a "brick" would weigh 11.6 lbs and cost $64. It tarnishes green.

Bronze (Ln pyropus) is a copper/tin alloy. It has a denisty of 4.627 oz. per cubic inch and is worth the $5 per oz. A brick wieghs 10.4 lbs and cost $52.

Tin (Ln stannum) Density 4.211 oz per cubic inch and is worth $0.40 an oz. A brick is weighs 10 lbs and costs $3.80.

Iron (Ln ferrum) Density 4.54 oz per cubic inch. Value: $0.50 oz. Brick 10.2lbs $5.11.

Lead (Ln plumbum) Density 6.56 oz per cubic inch. Value: $0.10 oz. Brick: 14.8 lbs $1.48.

Steel (Ln chalybs) Density 4.54 oz per cubic inch . Value:$1 oz. Brick: 10.2 lbs $10.20


Note any language in Green is a individual language in game terms (i.e. one a character can learn and speak, so while Latin is a language Indo-European is not.
......Latin is by far the most important language in the game. it is after all a game about Rome.
......Greek is the second most important language, it is the lingua franca (technically lingua Graeca) of the Eastern Mediterranean.
......Continental Celtic
......Insular Celtic
.......East Germanic
......West Germanic
......North Germanic
...Northwest Semitic

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Daily Life: Medicine

Roman medicine was no where near as sophisticated as modern medicine, but was still vastly superior to medieval medicine. The best contemporary equivilent to Roman medicine is probably the medicine of the American Civil War, better in some cases since part of the purification rite of surgical instrument included boiling.

Humoral theory

The Romans were great believers in the healing power of herbs. Some herbs work better than others; poppy juice, foxglove and nightshades have a much stronger effect than sage and fennel.

Who's who: V. Antonius Mus Curiatianus

Reputation: Curiatianus is a careful, disciplined general. He excelled at holding defensive positions and siege warfare. He believes that troops should fear drills more than war and his military exercises are grueling. He prefers to choose his battle fields carefully and prepare for the attack in advance. His strategies are solid if not inspired. He is very popular with the infantry and the artillery, though less popular with the cavalry. He always seems well informed on his enemies weaknesses and many of his enemies meet an unexpected death under suspicious circumstances. He is an avid gardener and socially has a reputation for being a bit of a bore.
History: Curiatianus was born in Capua in DCXV a.u.c. to an equestrian family. His skill at strategy brought him to the attention of M'. Antonius Mus who adopted him in DCXXXV. He has had a successful military career in the East.
Family: He is married to Cn. Postumia Fusa and they have one daughter, D. Antonia Mus.
Character: Curiatianus expects great things from himself and his men. He works every waking moment of the day and expects those around him to do the same. He is genuinely concerned about the welfare of his troops, which is a rare quality in a Roman general. He greatly prefers to put off fighting unless the auspices are favorable. He treats his enemies ruthlessly and exploits any advantage he can find. His moderation does not extend to enemies and he lets his men loot with abandon if a fortified city does not surrender quickly, even to the point of encouraging his men to acts of depravity. When not on campaign he tends the beautiful garden in his villa. It is said that he can only discuss two topics socially: warfare and horticulture.
Politics: Curiatianus tends to support the hawkish wing of whoever is currently in the senate.