Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Who's who: V. Antonius Mus Curiatianus

Reputation: Curiatianus is a careful, disciplined general. He excelled at holding defensive positions and siege warfare. He believes that troops should fear drills more than war and his military exercises are grueling. He prefers to choose his battle fields carefully and prepare for the attack in advance. His strategies are solid if not inspired. He is very popular with the infantry and the artillery, though less popular with the cavalry. He always seems well informed on his enemies weaknesses and many of his enemies meet an unexpected death under suspicious circumstances. He is an avid gardener and socially has a reputation for being a bit of a bore.
History: Curiatianus was born in Capua in DCXV a.u.c. to an equestrian family. His skill at strategy brought him to the attention of M'. Antonius Mus who adopted him in DCXXXV. He has had a successful military career in the East.
Family: He is married to Cn. Postumia Fusa and they have one daughter, D. Antonia Mus.
Character: Curiatianus expects great things from himself and his men. He works every waking moment of the day and expects those around him to do the same. He is genuinely concerned about the welfare of his troops, which is a rare quality in a Roman general. He greatly prefers to put off fighting unless the auspices are favorable. He treats his enemies ruthlessly and exploits any advantage he can find. His moderation does not extend to enemies and he lets his men loot with abandon if a fortified city does not surrender quickly, even to the point of encouraging his men to acts of depravity. When not on campaign he tends the beautiful garden in his villa. It is said that he can only discuss two topics socially: warfare and horticulture.
Politics: Curiatianus tends to support the hawkish wing of whoever is currently in the senate.

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