Sunday, June 22, 2008

Character creation guide

To help you make a character, try to think of their history, goals and story. Here are some questions that might help.

Is your character:
a) Male
b) Female

Is your character:
a) Roman
b) Greek (or other advanced non-Roman)
c) Romanized Barbarian
d) Wild Barbarian

Is your character:
a) Patrician
b) Plebeian
c) Freedman
d) Slave
e) Outsider to Roman social structure.

How old is your character? (Adulthood starts at 16, old age 50)

Is your character married?

If so, how happily?

Are your characters parent’s living? Who are they?

Does your character have any children?

How attractive is your character?

How rich is your character?

How smart, strong, agile and healthy is your character? (Very important)

Does your character have a tragic past, unfortunate disease or ghastly secret?

Is your character:
a) A friendly barbarian.
b) A gladiator, thug or bodyguard.
c) A lawyer, orator or demagogue.
d) An actor, clown or prostitute.
e) An artist or craftsman.
f) An enemy of Rome.
g) A rake, floozy or dandy.
h) A scholar, teacher or student.
i) A religious or supernatural authority.
j) A thief, spy or conman.
k) In the army.
l) In the navy.
m) Involved in organized crime.
n) Part of a secret society.
o) Part of the government.
p) Other. Specify__________________________

Rate the following for your character in order form most to least important:
A. Knowledge
B. Luxury and status
C. Moral rectitude
D. Military prowess
E. Political power
F. Public welfare

What is your character’s favorite way of removing an enemy?
A. Assassination
B. Brute force
C. Exile
D. Judicial murder
E. Misinformation
F. Poison
G. Propaganda

What form of government does your character favor?
A. Anarchy
B. Democracy
C. Monarchy
D. Oligarchy
E. Plutocracy
F. Theocracy
G. Other (Specify)____________________________________

Is your character in anyway insane?
No ___

Is your character evil?

What religion is your character?

Does your character belong to a school of philosophy?

Does your character have sex with (check all that apply):
A. Nothing
B. Men
C. Women
D. Anything that moves (and some things that don’t)

What is your character’s greatest strength?

What is your character’s greatest weakness?

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