Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Daily Life: Social Classes and wealth

Social Class
Rome is a very class conscious society. Every character or NPC (non-player character) fits somewhere in the social hierarchy. Class distinctions are only minimally transferable between cultures, so while a character might be a high born patrician in Rome, he or she is unlikely to be given any special treatment by Germanic tribesmen (the tribesmen will respect a well-born Romans wealth or power, but that is a different story). The following is a brief overview of Roman classes. Note that these are only available to characters in a Roman milieu, other societies will have their own class structure.

Level -4: Slaves (Servi and Ancillae) are the bottom rung of the social ladder. They are literally the property of someone else and have very few rights (though they are not completely rightless). Slaves make up a sizable proportion of the population of the Roman republic, up to a third of all people in Rome were slaves. Masters can treat slaves anyway they see fit, but truly depraved punishment (like feeding slaves to eels) will draw censure. Further, slaves have no legal standing (in game terms any citizen can accuse a slave of any crime and he is automatically guilty, though the master might defend his valuable property). Slaves are assumed to be illiterate (literacy costs 10 points) though several slaves were quite well educated (e.g. the pedagog). Most slaves are forbidden to carry weapons, the exception of course is gladiators, but then only in special circumstances. Slavery is a -20 point disadvantage, by definition all slaves are dead broke.

Level -3: Non-Romans (Barbari) are non-Romans living in Roman territory. Non-Romans living in non-Roman societies can not be this social class. The Roman legal system does not apply to you. Not all "barbarians" are barbaric. Thragak the Skull crusher is a barbarian, but so is Syphax the wealthy Syrian slaver and Euphrosyne the Greek philosopher. Barbarians rarely become citizens. This is a -15 point disadvantage.

Level -2: Freedmen (Libertini) is a freed slave. They can not run for public office and are required to do work for their former master. Their children are full citizens. This is a -10 point disadvantage.

Level -1: Riff Raff (Ignoti) are the scum of Roman society; actors, beggars, con men, dancers, jugglers, pickpockets, pimps, political muscle, prostitutes, thieves and thugs. These are disreputable citizens or outright criminals. They are distrusted by more respectable folk. They are usually dead broke or poor, but organized criminals remain ignoti no matter how much money they make. This is a -5 point disadvantage.

Level 0: Plebeians (Plebeii) are the "good Roman folk", the bulk of the Roman population. Mostly farmers, common solders or small craftsmen. They tend to be struggling, average or comfortable. This level is neither an advantage or a disadvantage.

Level 1: Pleneians of distinction (Plebeii) are still plebeians, but usually craftsmen, artisans or small traders. They tend to have a little more wealth and more skills. This is a 5 point advantage.

Level 2: Equestrian (Equites) are the heart of the Roman business world.

Level 3: Equestrian with distinction (Equites) are upwardly mobile equestrians. Often derided as the nouveau riche (think of Trimalchio in the Satyricon), they nevertheless served an important role in the Roman economy.

Level 4: Minor Patrician (Patricii)

Level 5: Patrician (Patricii)

Level 6: Senatorial Patrrician (Patricii)



Level -3: Dead Broke: You have almost nothing. You live on the street or someone else's house. Starting money: 4as. Points: -25.

Level -2: Poor: You work hard but get almost nothing from it. You live in a tenement (insulae), but are in danger of losing it. You have a pot to piss in, barely. Starting money: 10d. Points: -15.

Level -1: Struggling: Think 2oth century college student. You live in a tenement, you have roommates, you have one nice set of clothes. You work hard, bit don't make much money. Starting money: 25d. Points: -10 points.

Level 0: Average: You have an established household and enough for a modest family. You live in a tenement, but a nice one. Starting money: 50d. Points:0.

Level 1: Comfortable: You live with your parents or in laws in a nice house (domus), you can keep up with fashion, you have nice things. Starting money: 100d. Points: 10.

Level 2: Wealthy: You have a nice house of your own. You set fashion. You have some household slaves and maybe a few clients. Starting money: 250d. Points: 20.

Level 3: Very Wealthy: People envy you. Starting money: 40a. Points: 30.

Level 4: Filthy rich: You never have to worry about money unless you want to. Starting money: 200a. Points: 50.

Level 5: Opulent: You the equivalent of a millionaire. Starting money:8 talents of silver. Points: 75.

Level 6: Princely: You are one of the richest people in the Republic. Starting money: 670 talents of gold! Points: 100.

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