Sunday, June 22, 2008

Forum Romanum Issue I

Forum Romanum
Non. Sex. DCLV A.U.C.

Pirates raid grain convoy
(Syracuse)Pirates under the command of P. Velleius Galeo attacked a grain convoy travelling from Sicily to Ostia. Three ships were lost with all hands, thirty thousand modii of grain and several thousand aurei. P. Caecilius Paullus, the owner of the convoy, is raising a fleet to capture Velleius Galeo and bring him to justice.

Sex. Aemilia Lepida to wed L. Flavius Flaccus
(Rome) Sex. Aemilia Lepida, noted beauty and socialite, has announced that she will wed poet L. Flavius Flaccus on XVIII Kal. Nov. of this year. Lepida and Flaccus, who are old childhood friends, announced this at a dinner party to surprised guests yesterday evening. Flaccus has returned from exile earlier this year after his epic poem Love's Siege drew censure for moral indecency. This wedding should end rumors that Flaccus spends too much time with bath boys.

Ap. Fabius Buteo Audax takes command of Legio IX Cygnus
(Castra Bonna) Legate Ap. Fabius Buteo Audax has officially taken command of Legio IX Cygnus from Legate M. Gratius Tullus. Legate Buteo arrived yesterday with a sizable contingent of his (now disbanded) Legio VI Macedonica after a brilliant, but costly, campaign against a Greek rebel Psychopompus. Buteo received a warm welcome from the troops and is excited about his new command.

Caepunus wins again!
(Rome) The unstoppable murmillo from Germania, Caepunus won several combats yesterday in the arena! He defeated three hoplomachi in single combat and six retiarii in a two to one competition! One hoplomachus was killed and three retiarii were seriously injured. Way to go Caepunus!

Statue Defaced
(Rome) Our beloved statue of Minerva on the Capitoline was defaced yesterday night and obscene remarks painted on it. The authorities are looking into the matter.

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